Guzalia Davis International Hypnosis School

Phone: (+1) 443 - 599 - 8488

Columbia, Maryland, USA

Laser-Sharp Focus

Hypnosis Session

Amidst the chaos of our modern world, the power to focus is a rare gem.

Join us for a transformative hypnosis experience aimed at cultivating a state of laser-sharp focus. In this session, we'll delve into techniques to overcome distractions, enabling you to maintain unwavering concentration on essential tasks.

What to Expect:

  • Learn to instantly achieve and sustain 100% focus

  • Overcome distractions that hinder productivity

  • Embrace a new level of task execution

Event Details:

  • Live on Zoom

  • Time: 12 noon EST (New York Time)

  • Date: Friday, January 12, 2024

Can't make it live? The replay will be available after the event.

Investment: $25 (non-refundable)

The replay will be hosted on the Podia platform. Click the blue 'Register' button to proceed with your purchase on Podia.

Once registered, read the login details.

Email reminder will be sent 15 minutes before the event.

By enrolling, you agree to the terms of the service.