Ancestral Trauma Healing Practitioner

Certification Course

Two options to choose from:

8-Week Self-Study Certification Course: $600 for immediate access. You can enroll at any time.

12-Week Apprenticeship Program: $2000, starting on September 1, 2024. The enrollment is open.

Note: The Apprenticeship Program includes the Certification Course, so separate enrollment in both is unnecessary. You can upgrade from the Certification Course to the Apprenticeship Program whenever it is available.


I am inviting you to join us on a transformative journey that transcends conventional approaches. This course isn't just about understanding the theory; it's about practical wisdom and actionable tools to effectively heal the deepest wounds ingrained in your lineage.

Ancestral trauma, an outdated survival algorithm, lingers within the fabric of our existence, perpetuating cycles of pain. But you have the power to be the disruptor, the one who steers the course toward healing, not just for yourself but for generations to come.

Trauma persists until it's acknowledged and healed. Your pain deserves recognition and healing. Together, let's navigate through this transformative expedition, shedding the layers of old programming, fears, and limiting beliefs that have held us captive for too long.

It's time to rewrite the narrative of suffering and pave the way for profound healing.

It's time to break free.

It's time to heal.

The Ancestral Trauma Healing Protocol I teach seamlessly complements various modalities such as classic talk therapy, hypnotherapy, coaching, energy healing, yoga, and traditional Shamanic practices.

You have the flexibility to incorporate this protocol into your existing sessions or create dedicated appointments focused solely on this approach.

Whether conducted individually or within a group, these protocols are adaptable to both in-person and remote online settings, making them incredibly versatile.

This protocol stands out as a highly effective and adaptable tool for healing and growth.

Here's my straightforward methodology

Step 1: THEORY lays a robust foundation, ensuring you understand the fundamentals.

Step 2: EXPERIENCE hypnosis firsthand, allowing you to process information, and undergo personal transformation and deep healing.

Step 3: PRACTICE immediately puts your newfound knowledge and skills into action. Only through practice, you can gain valuable work experience and confidence.

Snippets from healing sessions

Heal the Deepest Wounds

Uncover the power to address deeply rooted traumas and generational patterns, surpassing the capabilities of conventional resources.

Profound Healing Experience

Trauma repeats until it's healed. Don't ignore your pain; heal it. Join us for a transformative journey to release old programming, fears, and limiting beliefs.

Who is this program for?

Whether you're an experienced hypnotist, psychologist, therapist, meditation facilitator, coach, someone entirely new to the field but driven by a sincere wish to assist others, or seeking personal healing, this program is tailored to accommodate your needs. Many of our students initially joined seeking personal healing, and as they immersed themselves in the process, they fell in love with the process and eventually chose to apply our protocol to assist others.

No Prior Experience Required

While prior knowledge of hypnosis and meditation is advantageous, it's not mandatory. We provide comprehensive instruction to ensure your successful facilitation of this protocol.


Upon successful completion of the exam, you'll receive a certificate of your choice: Ancestral Trauma Healing Practitioner or Ancestral Trauma Healing Facilitator. The certificate is issued by the International Hypnosis School. There is no formal accreditation for the Ancient Healing Arts.

Join Our Community

Free access to our community on Facebook for ongoing support and to connect with peers to practice your new skills.

Feedback from our students

🎓 Certification: Upon successfully demonstrating your skills, you'll receive a certificate of your choice: Ancestral Trauma Healing Practitioner or Ancestral Trauma Healing Facilitator.

Course Content:

  • Video classes

  • Video demonstrations of the Ancestral Trauma Release Protocol

  • Healing sessions video and audio recordings

  • Guided meditation audio recordings

  • Shamanic Ancestral Work, Ceremonies, and Rituals Manual 200-page PDF

  • Guides and charts

  • Guided meditation and hypnosis scripts (commercial license included)

  • Forms drafts: client intake, medical disclaimer for you to use in your business

Feedback from our students

Healing Resources:

Enjoy an array of meditation and hypnosis audio recordings tailored to your healing voyage. Embrace these tools and consider journaling your experiences to monitor and celebrate your growth on this profound journey. Healing sessions are strategically interspersed throughout the weekly modules, allowing you to engage with them comfortably and granting your psyche time to assimilate shifts and integrate changes gradually and gently.

Snippets from healing sessions

Guided Progression

Immerse yourself in the course hub and navigate through the materials in the designated sequence. Each resource is meticulously structured to build upon the last, offering a holistic learning journey. Modules are paced for optimal absorption – granting you a week to delve into the content and partake in the healing sessions. Remember, access to previous weeks’ modules remains available, empowering you to revisit materials and engage in healing sessions. Maintain the rhythm to avoid feeling overwhelmed and falling behind. Our modules are crafted for a gentle pace, ensuring a pressure-free experience and aiding you in completing the course, thus avoiding adding to a collection of unfinished courses.

Snippets from healing sessions

Course Curriculum

Module 1: Theory and Lineage Structure

In this foundational module, you'll embark on a journey deep into the framework of your familial and lineage dynamics. Delve into the complexities of the Egregorial System, gaining insights into its underlying Principles & Laws.

Moreover, you'll hone the invaluable skill of interpreting Physiognomy & Body Language, unlocking the ability to discern concealed truths and intentions in your interpersonal interactions. Mastering the art of "reading" people will elevate your healing practice, enabling you to glean profound insights from the unspoken nuances within client interactions.

Module 2: Health and Resource Allocation

Uncover the dynamics of resource allocation within your familial and lineage contexts. Understand your unique roles within these structures and develop a personalized algorithm for success, ensuring a harmonious balance between personal growth and communal prosperity.

Module 3: Strengthening Self-Identity

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Cultivate a profound sense of self-identity through healing and embracing your physical body. Foster self-acceptance and self-love, laying the groundwork for profound personal growth and empowerment.

Module 4: Building Authentic Relationships

Dive deep into the realm of relationships, both familial and interpersonal. Recognize and break free from recurring negative patterns inherited from ancestors, paving the way for authentic connections. Learn to navigate challenging dynamics and discern when external influences attempt to derail your path to genuine relationships.

Module 5: Healing the Mother Relationship

Explore the intricate nuances of the mother-child bond and embark on a journey of healing and reconciliation. Address unresolved issues and wounds stemming from maternal relationships, fostering emotional healing and growth.

Module 6: Inner Child Healing

Delve into the profound impact of inner child wounds on your overall well-being and success. Learn essential techniques for inner child healing and the powerful practice of cord-cutting to detach from toxic influences. Reclaim your sense of joy and vitality as you liberate yourself from past traumas.

Module 7: Unleashing Talents and Life Purpose

Unlock your full potential by uncovering hidden talents and abilities. Gain clarity on your life purpose and navigate through different life phases with confidence. Identify and overcome limiting beliefs that hinder your personal and professional growth, empowering you to live a purpose-driven life.

Module 8: Breaking Free from Social Conditioning

Examine the pervasive influence of social conditioning on your beliefs and behaviors. Explore the transformative power of the Law of Giving and Receiving, shedding light on imbalances in your relationships and finances. Release guilt associated with self-worth and embrace abundance, forging a path towards balanced, mutually beneficial connections.

You will learn:

  • What is Ancestral Trauma, how it forms, and how it passes down through generations

  • How to recognize generational trauma (many problems we experience are not even ours)

  • How Ancestral Trauma affects our health

  • How Ancestral Trauma affects our current relationships

  • How Ancestral Trauma affects our ability to recognize and use our talents

  • How Ancestral Trauma affects our ability to earn money

  • How to read your clients. You can gather a lot of information from the words not said. Your clients will think that you are a psychic!

  • How to release trauma

  • How to end Soul Contracts and untie karmic knots

  • Family & Lineage Structure and its Fundamental Laws & Principles

  • Your rightful place within your lineage

  • How to structure and run your sessions

👉 Ready to start your transformative journey?

Ancestral Trauma Healing Practitioner Certification Course

Ancestral Trauma Healing Practitioner
Certification Course
8-week Self-Study Program
  • You can enroll at any time

  • Self-study with readily available materials: video classes, healing sessions, and written materials.

  • Ongoing support in our Facebook community

  • 1-year access to the course hub and technical support

Two payments of $325 or a single payment of $600

By enrolling in the course, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service

Apprenticeship Program

(Includes the Ancestral Trauma Healing Practitioner Certification Course)
12-week program with live Zoom classes and healing sessions
If you prefer live engagement, practice opportunities, a structured learning environment, and seeking a deeper personal healing journey with live sessions, then this program is for you.

Our Ancestral Trauma Healing Course welcomes everyone, but the Apprenticeship Program is specifically tailored for practitioners. This program focuses heavily on preparing participants to apply healing protocols with clients and honing their skills in practice.

Engage in a dynamic learning environment with:

  • 12 Weekly Zoom meetings for continuous guidance, every Friday at 12 noon EST, fostering community interaction and support

  • 6 live healing sessions are held at 12 noon EST on Sundays with replays available for your convenience. Gradually we will work through every area of our lives.

  • 6 group practice sessions every other Tuesday at 6 pm EST

  • Flexible Private practice sessions, enable you to pair up with peers and practice at your convenience.

  • Access to a wealth of supplemental materials, including video classes, healing sessions, and written resources.

  • Continuous support and interaction within our Facebook community.

  • 1-year access to the course hub and technical assistance.

  • A grace period of 1 year to submit your certification exam at no additional cost.

Six installments of $365 each or a single payment of $2000.

Apprenticeship Program Fall 2024 Schedule:

Weekly Zoom meetings for ongoing support: every Friday at 12 noon EST. Immerse yourself in our community, connect with fellow students, and get support in real-time.

September 6, 13, 20, 27

October 4, 11, 18, 25

November 1, 8, 15, 22

Zoom classes and healing sessions: 12 noon EST on Sundays

September 8, 22

October 6, 20

November 3, 17

Students' practice sessions: 6 pm EST on Tuesdays

September 10, 24

October 8, 22

November 3, 19

You will have a 1-year access to the the replays or all classes and sessions.

Enroll by September 1, 2024

Six payments of $365 or a single payment of $2000

Special Offer: enroll by July 31, 2024, to get free access to our Business Bootcamp (reg. $500)

This is the last apprenticeship training for 2024. The next one will start on January 1, 2025.

Considering enrolling in multiple programs simultaneously? Please reconsider!

We offer two intensive apprenticeship programs starting on September 1st, 2024: Ancestral Trauma Healing and Shamanic Healing. Due to the demanding nature of these courses, we advise against enrolling in both at the same time. Each program is packed with valuable information and requires your full attention. Additionally, you will undergo your own healing and transformative process, with each class and healing session prompting significant shifts. It’s crucial to allow yourself the time to fully integrate these changes.

The next apprenticeship program will begin in January 2025.

Recommended sequence:

1. Shamanic Healing

2. Ancestral Trauma Healing

See what our students have to say about the intensity of the training:

Call 443 - 599 - 8488 or schedule your 15-minute phone consultation below:

Need more information?

Enjoy a complimentary assortment of training and healing sessions, completely free of charge and with no obligation.

Please note that your opportunity to fully immerse yourself in this experience is limited; once you log in, you'll have access for only 24 hours. Understanding the common tendency to procrastinate without a set deadline, I've carefully chosen this time frame. My intention is for you to fully embrace and benefit from this training, as I've put my heart into crafting it for your enjoyment.

If this is your first visit here and we haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting, allow me to introduce you to our "test drive"

Course Evaluation Form

Name: Yisbel Zamora

Date: 1/18/24

1. Facilitation Confidence:

- Did this course equip you with sufficient information to confidently facilitate Ancestral Trauma Healing?

Yes absolutely, Guzalia was supportive and extremely generous with the information she provided.

2. Usefulness of Files/Content:

- Were the provided files beneficial to your learning experience?

Yes, overwhelmingly beneficial. I feel like I’ll be visiting the materials often because there is so much helpful information available. I can see how, as I progress with my practice, I’ll be checking back in on the course material to go deeper in the work.

3. Course Improvement Suggestions:

- Do you have any recommendations to enhance and improve the overall quality of this course? One area where I believe the course could be enhanced, and from which I believe I would benefit greatly, is by incorporating practical opportunities to come up with the speculative statements. I've found that I sometimes struggle with connecting what clients want to potential probing questions especially when their want responses are too general. I think some more practice maybe case studies could help my confidence here.

4. Value for Price:

- In your opinion, did this course provide good value for the price paid?

The course delivered more than I anticipated for the price I paid.

5. Personal Transformation:

- Throughout your study, did you feel a sense of healing or experience personal transformation? Yes, and still do

Frequently Asked Questions:

I am not a practitioner and seeking personal healing.

About half of our class shares this aim.

Do you have accreditation?

While there isn't a formal accreditation for ancient healing arts, the curriculum focuses on time-honored practices and holistic approaches.

I don't have an office. Will I be able to offer this service online?

Absolutely! It doesn't matter whether you are sitting next to the client or working via Zoom or Skype. It's just as effective. You can build a successful business working from home without ever needing to rent an office. You can rent by the hour a larger space to run group events: yoga studio, conference room, classroom...

Will this course help me to prepare for work with groups?

The protocols I share are suitable for working one-on-one, with groups, in the office setting, and remotely online.

What is the time commitment needed for studying this course?

8 weeks.

Location & phone:

Phone: (+1) 443 - 599 - 8488. Maryland, USA

What students are saying about studying with me:

Regulations, Accreditation, and Licensing:

The regulations governing Shamanic or traditional healing methods and hypnosis practices vary across countries and within the USA, differing by state. Ensuring compliance with local business regulations is your responsibility. Presently in the USA, both hypnosis and healing operate as self-regulated professions without mandatory licensing.

Governmental bodies do not regulate or accredit shamanic or traditional healing modalities. Accreditation in the field of hypnosis, including institutions like the International Hypnosis School, lacks recognition from governmental bodies. Hypnosis, being self-regulated, doesn't demand formal diplomas or accreditations. Neither accreditation from Hypnosis Associations nor from educational bodies holds any weight.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue accreditation comes down to financial implications. The cost associated with accreditation is passed on to you, resulting in paying much more for something that adds no value. Can you imagine shelling out an extra $1000 for this course just for accreditation that essentially holds no real value?

My goal remains centered on delivering genuine knowledge drawn from real experiences. No fluff, just practical and valuable insights to help you thrive as a healer, enabling you to genuinely assist individuals and build a successful business in the real world.

Healing and Resolution: Unraveling Ancestral Wounds

Ancestral work, with its profound reverence for the past, extends a compassionate hand towards the opportunity for healing and resolution. In much the same way we inherit physical traits from our ancestors, we are also recipients of emotional legacies and energetic imprints, passed down through generations.

These ancestral gifts are not always ones of celebration; they may carry within them the weight of unresolved traumas, lingering grief, and persistent patterns of behavior that echo through time, subtly but profoundly shaping the course of our lives. It is through the portal of ancestral work that we embark on a transformative journey to illuminate and mend these ancestral wounds, thereby liberating ourselves and the generations yet to come from the heavy burdens of the past.

The Significance of Ancestral Work

Ancestral work is a sacred journey that connects us to those who came before. It is a way to honor their stories, their wisdom, and their resilience. Through ancestral work, we can heal the wounds of the past and learn to navigate the present with grace and resilience.

Our ancestors are the threads that weave together our existence. They are the unseen, yet ever-present hands that have shaped our lives. Their legacy is not confined to the annals of history but resonates deeply within us.

As we explore our ancestry, we discover the stories, traditions, and experiences that define our lineage. We honor the struggles they endured, the triumphs they celebrated, and the knowledge they held close to their hearts.

Through ancestral work, we awaken the dormant spirits of our forebearers, invoking their presence to offer us guidance, protection, and profound insight. It is a timeless dance, a harmonious interplay between the living and the ancestral.

In the sacred space we create, we find solace and connection. We share stories, tears, laughter, and love with those who have journeyed before us. In the gentle embrace of ancestral work, we not only heal the wounds of the past but also learn to navigate the present with grace and resilience.

With our ancestors by our side, we confront life's challenges with newfound courage, for we are bolstered by the collective strength of generations gone by.

Ancestral work is the art of weaving our own threads into the ever-expanding tapestry of human existence. It is a testament to our commitment to preserving the stories of our lineage, ensuring that the wisdom of our ancestors continues to guide and inspire us.

As we walk this path, we are both torchbearers and guardians of the legacy they entrusted to us, ensuring that their light continues to shine brightly through the tapestry of time.

Our ancestors are not distant memories but living currents in the river of time. They are the artisans who skillfully wove the fabric of human history, contributing their stories, their wisdom, and their resilience to the ever-evolving narrative of our species.

As we delve into the realm of ancestral work, we begin to grasp that we are like spiders, deftly weaving our threads into this ongoing web of life. Our threads intersect and intertwine with those of our ancestors, creating a rich and intricate pattern that tells the story of our lineage. We become both weavers and weft, perpetuating the narrative of our ancestors while adding our own unique chapter to the grand tapestry.

In this sacred exploration, we come to understand that our ancestors are not relegated to the distant past; they are ever-present, existing in the whispers of the wind, the rustle of leaves, and the blood that flows in our veins. They are the voices that speak to us in dreams and the wisdom that guides our decisions. They are the roots that anchor us to the fertile soil of our heritage and the branches that reach out toward a future yet to be written.

Through ancestral work, we become the custodians of this living tapestry, tasked with preserving its integrity and beauty.

We honor the struggles and triumphs of those who have come before us, weaving their stories into our own. In turn, we offer our own experiences, hopes, and dreams to be woven into the intricate design of the Ancestral Web.

In this realization, we are humbled by the profound interconnectedness of all life, past, present, and future. We understand that the Ancestral Web extends far beyond the boundaries of time and space, embracing all living beings in its luminous threads. It is a reminder that we are never truly alone, for we are always surrounded by the loving embrace of our ancestors, ever weaving the fabric of existence together.

The Legacy of Unresolved Traumas

Inherited Shadows: Ancestral traumas can cast long shadows across our lives, manifesting in the form of anxiety, depression, addictions, or other emotional struggles. These shadows are often not ours alone but are shared echoes of the past.

Patterns of Behavior: We may unknowingly perpetuate familial patterns of behavior and belief, even when they no longer serve us. These patterns are like ancestral echoes that whisper in our ears, compelling us to repeat the past.

Grief and Unfinished Business: The grief and unfinished business of our ancestors can linger, seeking resolution through the descendants. It is as though their unspoken stories and unshed tears yearn for acknowledgment.

At times, it may seem as though your experiences are entirely your own, isolated and unique. You might feel that your experiences are original and incomparable. However, our life is a tapestry of common experiences that bind us together.

Think of yourself as a single petal on a beautiful flower, standing alongside countless others on the same stem. These petals all share similar stories, for they are born from the same source, the same flower. The experiences of every petal in that bunch are, in essence, reflections of one another. These petals all emerged from the same origins, from the same common root.

As these roses bloom and thrive, they produce seeds, carrying within them the memories of the experiences of the flowers and petals before them. This lineage of shared pain and suffering is passed down through the generations. The seeds sprout into new roses, bearing witness to the same traumas and adversities. The garden of interconnected flowers becomes a living testament to the collective history.

Our suffering, while deeply personal, is not unique to us alone. We are part of a larger narrative, a web of shared experiences that transcends time and space. When we acknowledge our heritage, we gain a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We become part of a chain that has the power to heal, to grow, and to transform, ensuring that the memories of the past, both the pain and the strength, continue to be passed down through the generations, like the petals of a resilient and enduring rose.

Terms of Service

These Terms of Service ("Agreement") govern your use of products ( "Our Products") provided by Guzalia Davis. By accessing or using Our Products, you ("User") agree to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement. Please read these terms carefully before purchasing Our Products.

1. Eligibility

By accessing or using Our Products, You represent and warrant that You are at least 18 years old or older. If You are under the age of 18, You must obtain the consent of a parent or legal guardian before using Our Products.

2. Mental Health Disclaimer

You represent and warrant that You do not suffer from any psychosis, schizophrenia, or other mental illnesses that may impair Your judgment or ability to understand and use Our Products. It is essential that You are in a stable mental state while using Our Products.

3. Purchase and Refund Policy

Digital Products: By purchasing Our digital Products, You acknowledge and understand that all purchases are final and non-refundable. Once a digital Product is purchased, it cannot be returned, exchanged, or refunded.

4. Intellectual Property

a. Our Products, including but not limited to software, graphics, logos, trademarks, video and audio recordings, content, and scripts, are protected by intellectual property laws and are the sole property of Guzalia Davis. You agree not to reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store, or transmit any of Our intellectual property without Our prior written consent.

b. You may use Our Products solely for Your personal, non-commercial use, accept the materials clearly specified for commercial materials. For example, you can use our hypnotic script to produce and sell video and audio recordings but you cannot reproduce them in the written format and you cannot resell them as is. Any unauthorized use of Our intellectual property is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

5. Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with Your use of Our Products or this Agreement. In no event shall Our total liability exceed the amount paid by You for the specific Product giving rise to the claim.

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You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Us harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, or expenses arising out of or in connection with Your use of Our Products or any violation of this Agreement.

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We reserve the right to modify or update these Terms of Service at any time without prior notice. Any changes to this Agreement will be effective immediately upon posting on Our website. Your continued use of Our Products after any modifications to the Agreement constitutes Your acceptance of the revised terms.

8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the USA. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in the USA.

9. Your access to online courses, workshops, and other digital products: 

Streamlined Accessibility: Gain instant access even from your smartphone.

Uninterrupted Access: Enjoy a full year of hassle-free file access, allowing you to retrieve your files countless times without the need to download them.

Permanent Downloads: Download and securely store the files indefinitely, ensuring you can keep them with you forever. 

10. Payment Plans and Certification: 
In the event of a failed payment for the enrolled course, the following measures will be implemented:

a) Account Access Restriction: Failure to complete a scheduled payment will result in the temporary suspension of your account access. This includes both the course materials and Zoom classes associated with your enrollment.

b) No Refunds for Previous Payments: No refunds will be issued for payments made prior to the failed installment. This policy is in place to ensure fair treatment for all students and maintain the integrity of our financial processes.

c) Certificate Issuance Post Full Payment: Certificates of completion will only be issued upon the successful completion of the entire payment plan. 

d) Prompt Notification and Communication: We kindly request that you do not ignore any notification emails regarding failed payments. These communications are crucial for keeping you informed about the status of your account. It is essential to promptly make updates to your payment information or contact us if you encounter any issues.

e) Regaining Access After Successful Payment: Once the outstanding payment is successfully processed, you will regain access to your course materials and Zoom classes. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a smooth resolution to any payment-related issues.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we are here to assist you. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.